Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Enjoyed but Rarely Talk About (#88)

11:00 PM

Look! It's a miracle! I didn't change this weeks topic! (Well, not really.) As we continue to stay at home and self quarantine to prevent the spread of COVID-19, things have the tendency to look bleak or scary. To combat these feelings, it's always a good idea to stay connected and share with each other the things that we love.

Which is why I wanted to discuss some of the books series that I really enjoyed--but, for some reason, rarely talk about.

For those of you who are new to my blog, or the book blogging community, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, originating over at the Broke and the Bookish, and is exactly what its title hints at. Each week we're given a topic to explore in our entries.
If you're following me, you'll likely have already noticed that I've been rereading this series. And, honestly? Shades of London has been even better this time around and I really, really hope that we see the fourth installment at some point. 

This is a definite oldie when it comes to my bookish content and love. I definitely only picked it up back in the day because it was basically the Gossip Girl books set in California. I'll always have a soft spot for them. They're trashy and fun and probably haven't aged well, but!
This may be cheating because I have been hyping up the release of Sword in the Stars, but I feel like this duology doesn't get as much hype as it deserves so here we are.

Its been a while since I talked about my love of the Charlotte Holmes series. If you were wondering: I still absolutely adore it, even if I don't chat your ears off about it anymore.
Still relatively new to Lauren Layne's work but after falling in love with a few of her books last summer, I've finally started to make my way through her backlist. Her most recent series, Central Park Pact, is SO addictive.
Similarly to The A-List, I grew up loving it and living for the Gossip Girl book vibes. I'm planning a reread on this series soon! After rereading House of Night and Vampire Academy last year, there's a tiny part of me that's nostalgic for vampire romps like Blue Bloods.

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