archive: 2019
Pure Magic! Simon Snow Returns in the Wayward Son | Review: Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
9:38 PM
Magical, romantic, humorous and full of adventure--Wayward Son is an excellent second installment to the Simon Snow series.
all souls trilogy
All Souls Trilogy Hits All-Time High for Enthralling Conclusion | Review: The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness
9:31 PM
While my feelings for this series began in a lukewarm manner, The Book of Life proved to be the very best installment. And. Was. SO. Good. (In my opinion.)
archive: 2019
Christmas Is Over, but The Afterlife of Holly Chase Lingers | Review: The Afterlife of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand
9:24 PM
The Afterlife of Holly Chase is still a holiday favourite. And, yes, it took me two freaking years to finally review it. I'm awful. It's fine.
While my best of year and decade posts are yet to come this week, I still figured I'd narrow down some of my most recent favourite books of 2019 for this week's TTT!
archive: 2019
There's Something Dangerous About the Boredom of Teenage Girls | Page to Screen: My Thoughts on the Premiere Episode of Dare Me
11:59 PM
At last! One of Megan Abbott's best works has officially made its way to our television screens and I couldn't be more happy. The first time that I read Dare Me was in the form of a hardcover from the library that was littered with cigarette burns on its pages and cover. Looking back, I realize that it was all too fitting for what lay under its cover: the complexities of girlhood in a small town.
This Christmas has been a bit of a mixed bag for me. We're not really doing anything this year. No gift exchange, just a standard dinner, although I did sneak a few purchases for mutuals on Twitter via their Amazon wishlist. I tried to get to as many people as possible! Money is still fairly tight for my parents, so we're skipping presents this year as a whole and that's okay. Which is why I toyed with the topic this week only slightly--because I'm not receiving any gifts this holiday season, I went with the gifts I've purchased for others.
As I write this, it is the Saturday before Christmas, and my only plan for the rest of the season is to bake snicker-doodles (and maybe some other sugary confection) and go over to my friend's house on Sunday for our annual Christmas Eve-Eve celebration. Wine and cookie day, this year, instead of going out for the nights! And, yes, it's technically Christmas Eve-Eve-Eve.
As I write this, it is the Saturday before Christmas, and my only plan for the rest of the season is to bake snicker-doodles (and maybe some other sugary confection) and go over to my friend's house on Sunday for our annual Christmas Eve-Eve celebration. Wine and cookie day, this year, instead of going out for the nights! And, yes, it's technically Christmas Eve-Eve-Eve.
archive: 2019
Another Fantastic Installment in the Adventures of Sabrina Spellman | Review: Daughter of Chaos by Sarah Rees Brennan
5:26 PM
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina continues with its next enthralling installment: Daughter of Chaos!
archive: 2019
Thoroughly Imaginative and Impressive | Review: Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater
5:17 PM
Maggie Stiefvater is back and better than ever. While I was left feeling fairly underwhelmed by the conclusion to The Raven Cycle, its brand new spin-off reignites the magic and is thoroughly compelling.
archive: 2019
Heartbreaking and Haunting, Resurrection Girls Tackles Grief Beautifully | Review: Resurrection Girls by Ava Morgyn
5:09 PM
Resurrection Girls is a stunning and aching sort of novel. Ever since finishing it, its been lingering at the back of my mind.
archive: 2019
The Sea of Monsters Hooked Me From the Start! | Review: The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
4:57 PM
The fact that I waited so long to read Rick Riordan is truly a crime and you should all shout at me about it.
!book tags
Until the Age of 25, I Thought the Only Response to 'I Love You' was 'Oh Crap' | The F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Book Tag
7:49 PMI totally stole this from Whitney over at Sincerely, Whitney. Without being tagged. BECAUSE, DUH, reasons. (All credits to the amazing tag creator, Roxanne, over at An Average Life!) Honestly it was kind of perfect timing, because I am rewatching Friends as quickly as I can before it's off of Netflix in January. (Dang streaming wars taking away my shows!)
a heart so fierce and broken
A Beautifully Crafted Sequel | Review: A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer
6:44 PM
If you were enchanted by A Curse So Dark and Lonely, get ready to fall even more in love with the Cursebreakers world!
a curse so dark and lonely
A Curse So Dark and Lonely Was SO Good, I Was Unable to Review it For Months | Review: A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer
6:33 PM
I bet you guys thought I'd never finish my review of A Curse So Dark and Lonely. Surprise! I did a thing! Yay, Jessica!
archive: 2019
Good vs. Evil? Each Have Their Own Spotlights! | Book Blitz + Giveaway: Kingdom of Darkness and Light Collections
8:30 AM
In fiction, and life, everything often boils down to two things: good vs. evil, light vs. dark, however you'd like to put it. In these collections, readers are invited to explore both sides. Join the heroes in Kingdom of Crowns and Glory. Join the bad guys in Kingdom of Villains and Vengeance. Personally, I am intrigued by both--but especially Kingdom of Villains and Vengeance!
Can you guys believe we only have a couple of weeks until the new year? I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that we are going into a new decade! Time truly does fly by far too quickly. I hope everyone is having a wonderful month, if you celebrate the holidays: have a happy holiday, and that you ring in the new year safely. That being said, this isn't a complete TBR: I'm just going to list some of my priority reads for the winter.
andrew fukuda
This Light Between Us is Already a Top Contender for Best Book of 2020... and it's Not 2020 Yet! | Blog Tour + Review: This Light Between Us by Andrew Fukuda
11:52 PM
Attention all! This Light Between should be on your radar. It's up there with my favourites of the year (we're talking right alongside White Rose and Birthday) and honestly it's a must read for 2020.
archive: 2019
The Night Country is Imaginative, Dark and Highly Intriguing | Review: The Night Country by Melissa Albert
6:12 PMWe all know that I totally and completely adored The Hazel Wood. It goes without saying that its sequel, The Night Country, was one of my most anticipated upcoming reads. I. AM. IN. LOVE. (Also, my apologies if this is a bit awkward in terms of format. I read my eARC whilst listening to the audiobook and I'm still getting used to dual reviews and reviewing audiobooks in general.)
archive: 2019
Another Day, Another Book I Wanted to Like WAY More Than I Did | Review: Faker by Sarah Smith
5:11 PM
Believe me, I am just as shocked as you are. I really wanted to love Faker. SO. FREAKING. MUCH. It goes without saying that it wasn't my cup of tea. (But don't let that stop you from giving it a go.)
archive: 2019
More Than Just Mum Leaves You Feeling Bubbly and Smiley | Review: More Than Just Mum by Rebecca Smith
5:00 PM
More Than Just Mum was so fun! And such a surprise. This is definitely one of those novels that you'll want to check out.
I think I should probably just admit defeat when it comes to James' work. It's merely not my cup of tea. And yet... here I am, reading and reviewing The Mister. Oops.
archive: 2019
You're Cordially Invited to Witness Marrow's Happily Ever After... | Review: Headstrong Like Us by Krista and Becca Ritchie
4:03 PM
Everything has building up to this: Maximoff Hale and Farrow Keene's wedding. The future starts now. And, yes, Krista and Becca Ritchie still own me. 100%.
!jessica rereads things
On a Whim, I Revisited The Naturals | Review: The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
3:53 PM
I love how I've reread quite a few books this year but only like two or three were the books I planned to reread for 5 and 5. Killing it. Oh, well, it's time for The Naturals.
This weeks topic was a freebie. I originally was like: YES, let's do one about festive covers. The bad news is all the festive covers I can think of were in last weeks post. So, then I was like, oh let's go with books that remind me of SNOW and WINTER. That's simple enough, right? WRONG-O. My brain was not having it. So, I went generic and said, let's just list some cozy book for wintry nights. And that's apparently where I took this weeks topic.
archive: 2019
Another Stunning and Imaginative Novel from Morgenstern | Review: The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
10:20 PM
This book, guys. THIS. BOOK. I cannot form a coherent sentence right now to explain how much I adored it. And guess what? Not only did I read my physical copy of The Starless Sea, I actually finished the audiobook, too!
To be perfectly honest with you guys, Wildcard didn't work for me. In fact, it didn't even feel like it was written by Marie Lu. (I always like Marie Lu's books! What the heckity heck!)
archive: 2019
Due to the Recent Controversy, I Had to DNF This One... For Now? | Review: Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
9:53 PM
I know, I know, I spent the better part of 2019 anticipating Gideon the Ninth. I mean, hello? Lesbian necromancers? Sign me up. Unfortunately, I had to shelf this one due to the recent controversies surrounding the author. (Sadly, this seems to be happening a lot? And just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.)
archive: 2019
Not My Brand of Feminism, Not My Cup of Tea | Review: Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco
9:37 PM
I waited so long to read Stalking Jack the Ripper, but it wasn't what I expected. And definitely not for me.
Aside from the obvious choices (!!!BOOKS!!!! Gift-cards TO BUY MORE BOOKS!!! A slab of wood to fashion into their wall as another bookshelf SO THEY CAN BUY MORE BOOKS! A bookish gift through Book of the Month YA!!!) there are so many wonderful items out there for your favourite book hoarder nerd fan.
Now that December is here, the time for gift giving has commenced! If you're feeling a bit (see: a lot) overwhelmed deciding what to buy, it's okay. I've got you covered on the inspiration front. Here are some of my favourite (and very specific and probably very biased) gift ideas for your local book lover.
Now that December is here, the time for gift giving has commenced! If you're feeling a bit (see: a lot) overwhelmed deciding what to buy, it's okay. I've got you covered on the inspiration front. Here are some of my favourite (and very specific and probably very biased) gift ideas for your local book lover.
One day... I will find a Kasie West book that 100% works for me. She has such an endearingly sweet prose. But Maybe This Time wasn't my cup of tea.
abbi waxman
A Possible Case of 'Right Book, Wrong Time' for Me | Review: The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman
8:00 AM
archive: 2019
A Sinfully Beautiful Installment of Jane Cobalt and Thatcher Moretti's Love Story | Review: Sinful Like Us by Krista & Becca Ritchie
8:57 PM
You guys have probably already seen this review on Goodreads because I COMPLETELY SPACED and forgot to cross-post here. BUT, if not, hi, hello, it is time for my regularly scheduled Krista and Becca Ritchie fangirl fest/freakout.
Everyone who knows me, knows that Fall Out Boy is my favourite band of all time. Growing up not far from the same area as they did contributed a lot to this! This statement isn't out of a place of "I was here first" and whatnot, but I can remember the days where they played smaller gigs. So when I say I've been a fan of them for what feels like forever, I'm not completely exaggerating.
When they made it big, I was SO impressed and overjoyed because they really do deserve it. They are one of those musical artists that have been with me through some of life's most pivotal moments and my love for them is basically a personality trait now.
And, not to drag myself, but in middle school I DEFINITELY wrote I HEART PATRICK STUMP on a good chunk of my notebooks. Oh, yes, that was completely on brand for me at the time. What can I say? MY LOVE WAS REAL. (Er, as real as a music obsessed then-teenager can manage when it comes to someone she's literally never met.)
So, you guys had to know that I'd be 100% down to participate in Raine Reads' Fall Out Boy Book Tag. I mean... duh.
When they made it big, I was SO impressed and overjoyed because they really do deserve it. They are one of those musical artists that have been with me through some of life's most pivotal moments and my love for them is basically a personality trait now.
And, not to drag myself, but in middle school I DEFINITELY wrote I HEART PATRICK STUMP on a good chunk of my notebooks. Oh, yes, that was completely on brand for me at the time. What can I say? MY LOVE WAS REAL. (Er, as real as a music obsessed then-teenager can manage when it comes to someone she's literally never met.)
So, you guys had to know that I'd be 100% down to participate in Raine Reads' Fall Out Boy Book Tag. I mean... duh.
anne leigh parrish
Unexpectedly Indulgent and Compelling | Blog Tour: Maggie's Ruse by Anne Leigh Parrish
6:30 AM
I'm going to be real, I was intrigued by Maggie's Ruse the second I saw the cover and the synopsis. The cover reminded me of an episode of Doctor Who, but the plotline had a general premise worthy of Sara Shepard. AND, it takes place in New York. So, I was obviously IN from the start.
Thanksgiving is nearly here for those of us in the states! This year, I had a rough start--as the year went on, though, I felt very thankful in spite of the bumps. Thankful to literature. Thankful to this community. Thankful to the fact that my father was able to find a new beginning after being laid off last year. Thankful to all the friends who helped me help my parents in the six months my dad had no job for the first time since he was a teenager.

Get ready for book number two in Stateless: Traceless! This suspenseful romance is something I'm DEFINITELY keen on giving a go!
My wallet is SO not happy with all the pretty books headed our way in 2020. But when is it ever? (Answer: never. When music, literature or lipstick is involved, my bank account wants me dead.)
archive: 2019
One More Installment of Violent Splendor | Review: The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black
7:00 AM
A tale of faeries. A tale of snakes. A tale of the games that play. And a tale of those who play said games. I AM GOING TO NEED AT LEAST A MONTH OF RECOVERY FROM THIS ONE, okay?
a constellation of roses
A Beautiful, Magically Written YA Contemporary | Blog Tour, Giveaway + Review: A Constellation of Roses by Miranda Asebedo
7:30 AMOKAY, OKAY, this might be a spoiler. BUT! A Constellation of Roses is one of the best YA novels of the year. (Seriously, 2019, I NEED A BREAK but also KEEP IT UP, we're totally killing it with great releases this year.)

There are some trigger warnings I'd like to point out before you explore today's Alee feature! This YA contemporary tackles issues such as mass shootings and will likely discuss the complexities of grief, decisions we are prone to make when we are at lower points, slut shaming and more.
archive: 2019
Your Next Winter Rom-Com Obsession | Review: Would Like to Meet by Rachel Winters
6:14 PM
Would Like to Meet should be at the top of your winter reading list--especially if you have a soft spot for charming rom-coms!