I know what you're thinking: long time no post. I'll spare you the theatricals but, guess who's back-ish? Life is chaotic. We are just a few months over the one year mark of me not updating Booked J. And what a weird year it has been. I thought 2020 was a hellacious fever dream of a year but 2021 really said, "Hold my...
archive: 2020
Enjoyable but a Little Flat and Forgettable | Review: Older by Pamela Redmond (Satran)
6:33 PM Given that Younger is one of my comfort shows (a show with Hilary Duff and Sutton Foster? C'mon!) and my obvious love of books (is that a spoiler?) when I heard that the source material had a sequel I had to get my hands on both books to do a bit of a binge read. While I really, really enjoyed Younger, Older was...
archive: 2020
Mysterious, Thrilling and Completely Indulgent | Review: They Wish They Were Us by Jessica Goodman
5:33 PM The good news is I'm still trash for mysterious and indulgent campus (boarding school, university) set stories. The better news? THIS MAY BE MY FAVOURITE OF THE VARIETY. At least, since S.T.A.G.S. and Truly Devious. (Also, before you ask, yes I'm excited for the adaptation and the inevitable newly drawn obsession.) The good news is I'm still trash for mysterious and indulgent campus...
archive: 2020
This Book Wasn't For Me and That's Okay | Review: Credence by Penelope Douglas
8:00 AM After years of hearing nothing but great things about Penelope Douglas' brand of steamy romances, I finally icked up one. Picked. Well, actually, also ick. Credence was kind of like a mix of contemporary NA romances with V.C. Andrews and... it did not work. (For me.) After years of hearing nothing but great things about Penelope Douglas' brand of steamy romances, I finally...
Ricochet was an unexpectedly thrilling read. And completely unique--it left me feeling jolted by its final pages. ...
archive: 2020
Another Day, Another Amazing Read | Reviews: The Black Kids by Christina Hammonds Reed
7:30 AM The Black Kids had me hooked immediately with its stunning cover and highly engaging synopsis. There was something about it that screamed 'READ ME' almost instantly and it's such a fantastic read. Trust me on this one, guys. The Black Kids is another must-read release of 2020. ...
archive: 2020
The Arthurian Legend Gets the Upgrade It's Always Needed | Review: Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
7:00 AM We all know I love a good Arthurian Legend retelling--and Legendborn is one of the best since Once & Future. Get ready for Black Girl Magic and a well woven fantasy. Legendborn kept me on the edge of my seat and was the perfect retelling. We all know I love a good Arthurian Legend retelling--and Legendborn is one of the best since Once...
archive: 2020
Raybearer is the Vibrant YA Fantasy of My Dreams | Review: Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko
7:00 AM When Once Upon a Book Club reached out to send me their YA box last month, I nearly exploded in excitement. (And, yes, it is totally worth it. Not to be all Influencer, but use my code for 10% off: JESSICAB10!) Raybearer just might be my favourite fantasy of the year. When Once Upon a Book Club reached out to send me their...
archive: 2020
A Haunting, Atmospheric Exploration of Grief and Guilt | Review: Watch Over Me by Nina LaCour
7:30 AM Nina LaCour is one of those authors who writes such lyrical stories, she continues to outdo herself in the best ways possible. Naturally, Watch Over Me was one of my most anticipated releases of the year, and it definitely lived up to the hype! (Well, the hype I gave it.) Nina LaCour is one of those authors who writes such lyrical stories, she...
archive: 2020
The One Where an Inluencer With a History of Plagiarizing Writes a Few Books | Review: Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
9:30 AM Fans of Rachel Hollis, beware: I didn't like this one. Which is probably unsurprising, considering I'm not a huge fan of hers to begin with--but I still wanted to give her a shot after all the buzzy praise that has surrounded Girl, Wash Your Face since its release. Really, I did. (It just didn't work out.) Fans of Rachel Hollis, beware: I didn't...