Sunday Post #4: The One With a Productive Posting Week
3:24 PM
Booked J had a very productive week! I didn't, personally, BUT, my blog posting game was totally on fire.
Looking back on all that I've posted to Booked J this week was insane. I'm proud of me. I definitely picked up the slack. Hopefully, this will continue onto the upcoming week. It will, I think, because I do have quite a few more reviews I need to catch up on/write and then my best friend (a children's illustrator) is doing a guest post mid-week. Add in Top Ten Tuesday and Wednesday Wandering and I think it's safe to say that I'll have a pretty decent amount of content coming your way!
On more personal notes--my dog, Primrose's biopsy came back clean! The lumps were non-cancerous and she's doing great. I have to take her again for a check up this week because the vet wants to work on getting her skin issues under control (the two breeds that Prim is are prone to various skin allergies and it's very irritated right now) and, of course, if the lump grows larger she has to have it surgically removed. I'm just relieved because I know she is getting older and, well, any pet owner knows how scary it is to find one or more bumps on their animal friends!
The rest of my week was spent working, reading--and researching. This was fairly successful because I managed to get my hands on some different documents that are relevant to my true crime novel/my aunt's murder and I finally found someone to listen to this podcast interview her suspected killer did from jail. I'm not sure I want to hear his voice. I'm trying to hunt down some transcripts. I wish I could hunt down the news segments that took place during the investigation, her funeral and the trials but I'm not sure if that's possible.
That being said, PHEW. I'm so sleepy. It was one of those go to bed early, wake up late kind of days and I'm still tired. And what is more Sunday than PURE EXHAUSTION? (I'm kidding. Mostly.) I blame the upcoming Gossip Girl reboot (keep it away from me!!) and the ending of the Veronica Mars revival which left me A COMPLETE WRECK.
Side note: because it's been a few weeks since I posted a Sunday Post, some of the posts featured in my wrap up aren't necessarily of the weekly variety! Also, I don't remember what I included in the last Sunday Post so a couple may have already been mentioned? ACK.
Also, everyone take a moment today to remember Grace over at Rebel Mommy Book Blog, who recently lost her battle with cancer earlier this week. Cancer is devastating and she will be sorely missed in our community. My thoughts are with her family. Although I did not know her personally, I've been following her blog for quite some time and the news is just heartbreaking.
Blog Tour, Excerpt + Giveaway: Stranger Rituals by Kali Rose Schmidt
91 Thoughts I Had During Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Review: Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Review: Birthday by Meredith Russo
Blitz, Excerpt + Giveaway: Awakened by Moni Boyce
Review: Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren
15 Books Netflix Should Adapt
Book Blitz, Excerpt + Giveaway: The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton
Revisiting The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton
Review: It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover
Blog + Instagram Tour: Last Summer by Kerry Lonsdale
Review: The Girl Before You by Nicola Rayner
Review: Ill Angels by Dante Di Stefano
Blog Tour + Giveaway: Before I Disappear by Danielle Stinson
Review: Fieldnotes on Ordinary Love by Keith S. Wilson
Review: The Everlasting Rose by Dhonielle Clayton
Top Ten Tuesday: Books From My Teen Years I'd Like to Revisit
Blog Tour + Review: Never Look Back by Alison Gaylin
Blog Tour, Review + Giveaway: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Season of the Witch by Sarah Rees Brennan
Review: Beautiful Revolutionary by Laura Elizabeth Woollett
Review: Permission by Saskia Vogel
Review: The Dead Ex by Jane Corry
I dropped off some more books to two Little Free Library locations nearby and ended up taking one home with me. I couldn't not take it! It was Kate Morton's newest. I mean, hello? Have you met me? I adore Kate Morton.
I took advantage of the Target book sale that was online only a couple of weeks ago. It was buy two books, get one free, and honestly? I'M TRASH FOR THIS KIND OF DEAL. I read and reviewed ARCs of two of these, but I really wanted finished copies. Also, that Target Exclusive print of one of Amanda Lovelace's collection is really cute. I'm a sucker for how minimal but adorable it is.
I had a few aesthetically pleasing Instagram posts this week. I'm going to be changing up the way I edit said pictures soon but! I was quite pleased by what I've posted. Here are my favourites. You can follow me here.
I accumulated quite a lot of ARCS via my Kindle this week. From tours, NetGalley and Edewleiss. It is safe to say that I will have a lot of reviews heading your way! Plus, it will keep a relatively constant stream of content/reviews throughout the rest of the year. Physical book mail was a copy of the Stranger Things tie-in Runaway Max.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog
and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is
coming up on the blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme.

On more personal notes--my dog, Primrose's biopsy came back clean! The lumps were non-cancerous and she's doing great. I have to take her again for a check up this week because the vet wants to work on getting her skin issues under control (the two breeds that Prim is are prone to various skin allergies and it's very irritated right now) and, of course, if the lump grows larger she has to have it surgically removed. I'm just relieved because I know she is getting older and, well, any pet owner knows how scary it is to find one or more bumps on their animal friends!
The rest of my week was spent working, reading--and researching. This was fairly successful because I managed to get my hands on some different documents that are relevant to my true crime novel/my aunt's murder and I finally found someone to listen to this podcast interview her suspected killer did from jail. I'm not sure I want to hear his voice. I'm trying to hunt down some transcripts. I wish I could hunt down the news segments that took place during the investigation, her funeral and the trials but I'm not sure if that's possible.
That being said, PHEW. I'm so sleepy. It was one of those go to bed early, wake up late kind of days and I'm still tired. And what is more Sunday than PURE EXHAUSTION? (I'm kidding. Mostly.) I blame the upcoming Gossip Girl reboot (keep it away from me!!) and the ending of the Veronica Mars revival which left me A COMPLETE WRECK.
Side note: because it's been a few weeks since I posted a Sunday Post, some of the posts featured in my wrap up aren't necessarily of the weekly variety! Also, I don't remember what I included in the last Sunday Post so a couple may have already been mentioned? ACK.
Also, everyone take a moment today to remember Grace over at Rebel Mommy Book Blog, who recently lost her battle with cancer earlier this week. Cancer is devastating and she will be sorely missed in our community. My thoughts are with her family. Although I did not know her personally, I've been following her blog for quite some time and the news is just heartbreaking.

91 Thoughts I Had During Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Review: Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Review: Birthday by Meredith Russo
Blitz, Excerpt + Giveaway: Awakened by Moni Boyce
Review: Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren
15 Books Netflix Should Adapt
Book Blitz, Excerpt + Giveaway: The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton
Revisiting The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton
Review: It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover
Blog + Instagram Tour: Last Summer by Kerry Lonsdale
Review: The Girl Before You by Nicola Rayner
Review: Ill Angels by Dante Di Stefano
Blog Tour + Giveaway: Before I Disappear by Danielle Stinson
Review: Fieldnotes on Ordinary Love by Keith S. Wilson
Review: The Everlasting Rose by Dhonielle Clayton
Top Ten Tuesday: Books From My Teen Years I'd Like to Revisit
Blog Tour + Review: Never Look Back by Alison Gaylin
Blog Tour, Review + Giveaway: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Season of the Witch by Sarah Rees Brennan
Review: Beautiful Revolutionary by Laura Elizabeth Woollett
Review: Permission by Saskia Vogel
Review: The Dead Ex by Jane Corry

Did you guys read anything good this week? Any exciting plans for the upcoming week?