Instagram Roundup: July 2017

4:36 PM

July is typically reserved for the red, white and blue here in the states. I like to refer to it as "That month where my hillbilly neighbors are always loud, drunk and blowing off fireworks" aka the number one most stressful months for my dogs. I was pretty much over the month before it even began and spent most of it comforting one of my dogs, who is positively terrified of fireworks.

A lot o this month was dedicated to library books and me cleaning the entire house, as the month came to a close. Just a few weeks to prepare for Becca's week long visit, after all! I also out of the blue decided to rewatch The Hills. What better way to blow off steam in the summer months than watch reality television of the past?

*As always, images posted in roundups are square dimensions only. You can find me here on Instagram. 

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