Blog Tour + Giveaway: Romanov by Samaire Provost
4:32 PM
I'm so excited to be participating in the blog tour for the delightful and unique Romanov by Samaire Provost. The novel itself landed on January 24th, and I'm so excited to be here celebrating with you guys! I'd like to make a big apology to Samaire Provost and Xpresso Book Tours for the delay in my posting this--we had a lot of snow over the weekend and our power was patchy for the better part of three days.
But enough chatter on my end--let's dive right in! As part of the promotional tour of Romanov, all of our readers have a wicked chance to try their luck at a giveaway. This book is can't miss for fans of NA books with a twist.
Follow the cut to find out more.

Samaire Provost
Publication date: January 24th 2018
Genres: New Adult, Urban Fantasy
In an abandoned warehouse in Manhattan, two enemies battle to the death, while outside, a malevolent entity watches and waits and plots, eager for blood. On an island in the heart of Seattle, an immortal princess struggles to lead a normal life just as a flood of terrifying creatures starts to pour in through a portal that should not be there. A young man meets a classmate while walking home from the college library, and embarks on the most dangerous adventure he’s ever known – will he survive? A deranged madman hunts the girl he’s lusted after for a century, in a relentless pursuit for vengeance. A prehistoric, mythical beast jealously guards a primeval land, which is leaking into present-day Seattle. A sweet, forbidden passion blossoms between two lovers who steal moments whenever they can, while unbeknownst to them, they’re hunted by a deadly creature.
A royal family threatened at its weakest – yet lethal in its own right – is stalked by an ancient evil that will not rest until they are utterly destroyed: a nightmare incarnate that has waited millions of years for revenge threatens the very existence of the young lovers and their family.
Will they prevail?

Author Bio:
Samaire Provost lives in California with her husband and son.
Her love of paranormal stories, odd plots, and unique tales as well as the works of Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Susan Cooper, Madeleine L’Engle and Stephen King has deeply influenced her writing.
REVIEW ★★★★☆
At first glance, I knew that Samaire Provost's Romanov would be promising. The description alone is as tantalizing as they get--and there's really no going around that. There's a quality to this book that screams, "READ ME!" before you even fully comprehend its central plots. Somehow, you just know. You can feel the promise of something luscious an satisfying, dark and full of that dose of depth you deserve in your literature. Provost delivers.
The first thing you should know about Romanov is that it is perhaps nothing like what you'd expect. It is full of heart-racing moments. It's full of its own history. It's packed with emotion and some seriously tense anticipation. Provost captures the audience and swings us through the plots at a pace that is fast, but not too fast, and coherent.
What I love most about Romanov is the feeling you get while reading it. Provost should be highly praised for this and I can't help but wonder what else she has up her sleeves because Romanov was certainly a fantastic read to curl up to during the winter season. I loved that it bounces through its genre and how descriptive it was. I loved the context of humanity and emotions and life. Not only is it entertaining, it intelligent and engaging.
When picking up Romanov, here's what you'll get:
- A little humor, a dash of dramatics, some romantic elements. (Sings) These are a few of our favourite things.
- Vampires. Oh, I know, I know, the mythology of vampires can be very tedious in the literature world. Modern and classic. But hear me out: this isn't what you're expecting. It's just not. And it's worth the second glance, because it's definitely a wildly compelling read.
- Historical elements! Do you like the Romanov family? This was such an uniquely toned story and I loved how it takes history and toys with it. Normally, I'm not a fan of that sort of trait but Provost kills it. 100%.
- A story that could have gone terribly wrong but does not. It does not lose its steam halfway through. It does not suppress itself. It stays on its own path and is super easy to get the hang of. You want a book that you're going to obsessively eat up in one or two sittings? Thy name is Romanov.
- We all love fun, right?
- (I do.)
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