Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Releases of the Second Half of 2019 (#45)
11:00 PM
For those of you who are new to my blog, or the book blogging community, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, originating over at the Broke and the Bookish, and is exactly what its title hints at. Each week we're given a topic to explore in our entries.
Uh, uh, uh, where is 2019 going? WHY IS THIS RIDE GOING SO FAST? Can we slow down???? GUYS??? Guys?! (But, seriously, how is it JUNE? I blinked in January and now it's suddenly June. Sounds fake, but okay.) *Nervous smiling*
Now that I've had my weekly meltdown over the fact that LIFE IS GOING BY TOO QUICKLY (!!!!!!!!) let's talk books that are releasing in the second half of 2019. 2019 has officially made me its bitch again by releasing some fabulous books in the first half. I'm 100% overwhelmed with excitement about it. AND IT'S ONLY JUST GETTING STARTED?
Someone hold my hand before I lose myself to a squealing fit and really embarrass us all. No one likes embarrassment but somehow secondhand embarrassment is much worse and I--oops, I'm off into the rambles again and losing my point. BOOKS. Releasing. In. Second. Half. Of. 2019. (Why I felt the need to add a period after every word is beyond me.)
Although there are so many good books yet to come before the year ends, it was incredibly simple to narrow it down to the ones that I'm most anticipating. This includes releases that are happening, or have already happened, this month.
It feels a bit weird not having Cassandra Clare on this list because of the date being pushed back on her next book! Also, kind of a relief? Since we've already got two books by her this year and SO MANY BOOKS HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED SO FAR IN GENERAL. Like, disappointing? A little. But, the break we deserve!
What are some of your most anticipated releases of the second half of 2019?
I'm still SO shook that we're getting a sequel to The Handmaid's Tale AND a second Simon Snow book. Two unexpected sequels. Cheers.