Top Ten Tuesday: The Last Ten Books That Gave Me a Book Hangover (#80)

11:00 PM

Nothing says 'this was a good read' quite like being so hungover, you can barely stomach looking at another book for weeks. Right?

For those of you who are new to my blog, or the book blogging community, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, originating over at the Broke and the Bookish, and is exactly what its title hints at. Each week we're given a topic to explore in our entries.  
These are two of the biggest book hangovers of the last few months. The Starless Sea and Woven in Moonlight are both very different novels, but they are pure magic and both put me in a very big slump after reading. 

The Night Country | A Lesson in Thorns
The Hazel Wood is one of my favourite books of all time and The Night Country was just as good. I swear, I thought that hangover would last for months. I miss this world! Although its sequel was trash, A Lesson in Thorns was a highly intriguing romance that left me in a bit of an 'I wish this book had lasted forever' mood.

Taylor Jenkins Reid has a real knack for leaving her mark on my heart--Daisy Jones & the Six was absolutely no different and remains an all-time favourite. The book hangover was so real, I immediately reread it instead of facing another novel. The Dragon Republic was enthralling and violent and entirely unforgettable. I had a similar book hangover with its predecessor, The Poppy War.

Two dazzling conclusions, two gorgeous worlds. The Hand on the Wall is probably going to be my favourite YA series end of 2020, Finale was my favourite YA series end of 2019. Both gave me a massive hangover.

Red Scrolls of Magic | Lost
The Red Scrolls of Magic--I mean, do I need to explain that? Cassandra Clare ALWAYS gives me a book hangover. ALWAYS. Her team-up with Wesley Chu is no different. In this house, we stan Malec! As for Lost, the entire House of Night Other World thoroughly surprised me in terms of quality--Lost is probably the best installment of the three book spin-off. 

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